Committee Type: Standing Committee
The RPAC Trustees will review requests from local, county, state, and national office candidates seeking RPAC financial support. The RPAC Trustees will assess requests and recommend to IAR the distribution of funds political office seekers within our jurisdictional boundaries. The RPAC Trustees will recommend the use of RPAC funds for the local issues which need our support.
Additionally, RPAC Trustees will identify candidates whose agendas are aligned with those of the REALTOR® community, offering opportunities for REALTORS® to actively participate in the support of such candidates during election campaigns. The committee may work with other committees in order to plan and organize events.
Chair: Laurie LaDow
Secretary: To be determined
Committee Composition: The RPAC Trustees will include six (6) REALTOR® members, each serving a three (3) year term. The term will be staggered so that each year, two new trustees will need to be appointed. Appointments are made by a majority decision of the sitting RPAC trustees with the approval of the South Bend Area REALTORS® Board of Directors.
Mission Statement: is responsible for promoting RPAC among the Association membership. Included among the responsibilities are RPAC fundraising activities for the Association. The RPAC Trustees shall organize, and promote RPAC fundraising opportunities throughout the year, with the goal of exceeding the annual target for RPAC contributions as established by IAR.
Membership: is open to SBAR REALTORS® members who have shown a personal commitment to RPAC via significant financial contributions.
Committee Role:
- Identify annual fund-raising goals for the REALTOR® Political Action Committee
- Identify and assist in the planning of RPAC Fundraising events and activities.
- Encourages members to support the annual RPAC fundraising efforts
- Determine the distribution of RPAC funds in support of candidates for local elected offices
- Determine the distribution of RPAC funds in support of key issues to persuade the public, as well as elected officials and regulatory staff, regarding issues vital to homeownership and property rights, in general.
6. Interview candidates for elective office to determine whether or not local RPAC funds will be used to support them.